Setting Intention

Funny how life works. One of my goals for September is to start writing again and as I pop on to write my first blog I was notified that August 31st was my six year anniversary of signing up for WordPress. Time to get crackin’ again.

As the fourth day of September begins I can’t help but process all the goals/plans I have set to track in my bullet journal and it seems like I have a million things I’m trying to focus on again. Something smaller than Whole 30 which clearly I failed round 2, but that’s a different story! I’m trying to be intentional with everything in life and yet as I just learned in Girl Stop Apologizing we are best served when we focus on one thing.

She has a point. I’m annoyed by that. I feel like I can do it all. Focus on movement for 30 days, floss every night, read for an hour every day, remember to drink half my body weight in water, and the list goes on. I can do it. Nothing outlandish, just daily habits I feel are possible and necessary desires in my life.

Day 2, I skipped my workout, flossing, and I watched tv before everything was done. I watched it for hours and didn’t read at all. Yep, day 2 I failed. Normal me would have given up, been frustrated and began a self deprecating talk that could defeat the thousands. The talk that says, meh who cares anyway. It wasn’t that important You’ll never be able to create a new routine. Eff it let’s go buy dinner. I mean do you really want to do that? And the all important, you already messed up the month with three things, let’s just give up on all of it.

It’s amazing the power of thought. I teach people how to battle their thoughts daily and yet I am so easy to give up on myself. Not because I want to or because I genuinely think I’m a POS but because my energy is being taken other places and somewhere down the road I was told I have to be hard on myself and I believed it.

However, this time is different! This time I set intention. Ok let’s be real that’s not different. I set intention every time. What’s different? Oh! I know, I’m being intentional about forgiving myself for my imperfections. I’m being intentional about trying again. I’m being intentional about noticing what it is I’m doing well and what it is my body needs. I’m being intentional about pushing myself when I don’t wanna (insert 2 year old tantrum). I’m being intentional about being ok with not getting it all every day or hell even every week. If I’ve done it 3 times this month that’s 3 times more than last!

I am being intentional about redefining success! Success for me is not giving up because I “messed up” day 2! Success is on day 3 instead of me pitching a fit and finding excuses it’s me working out first thing when I woke up and not turning the tv on all day. Success is day 4 waking up and almost first thing (yes almost lol) writing for 30 minutes. I can’t tell you if I did everything else on my “list” on day 3 or if I’ll do it all today (day 4) but when I look back on the day I will intentionally feel successful! I will track that in my bullet journal and then compare it at the end of the month because that is just as important, if not more, than making sure all my boxes are checked.

Here’s to being successful this month and the rest of this year.

What can you be intentional about to help move your goals in the right direction?